Legal terms / disclaimer according to §8, §9 TDG
The content, text and presentations on this web page has been created and carefully proved by the owner. However, parts of the content, text and presentations could always contain errors. Therefore, the owner is not taking any liability for the correctness, completeness and actuality of the content, text and presentations on this web page. We appreciate any information about errors or incorrect links send to us by Email.
Web pages of third parties, to which the owner of this web page refers to by hyperlink, are in the sole liability of the respective owner. The owner of this web page is not responsible for the content, text and presentations of third parties web pages and is not making them his own. Therefore, the owner of this web page is not taking any liability for third parties web pages.
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Unsolicited Emails for marketing purposes: We contradict the use of our data and contact details for marketing purposes according to §§ 28, 29 BDSG and like to point out, that unsolicited emails are illegal, and as an offence admonished and charged.
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